So what is being a guy all about? What makes us tick, what makes us have "Male Bravado" or as i like to call it Mojo? We are in existence due to the simple fact of procreation and fornication some would even argue our promiscuous nature is the existence of life itself. I agree with this theory as we as men are not in existence to make a impact on history and if we do make an impact it was to impress a lady.
Arguably men in all there existence is in pursuit of one thing, the vertical smile. We go to bars, we go clubbing we show off our new cars our results from gym our every little act is in pursuit of the smile. And lets not be modest about it gentlemen we love them smiles. Females might impose on this to say that men don’t have it hard, that women have to diet and look like the models in magazines etc. But what about men? We are also held to an impossible standard, we have to have funky hair, a great car, a sense of fashion. We have to make the first move and if we don’t say the right thing or look like Conan the barbarian we are not "your type". I have had the friends speech countless of times that why I always result to my good friend alcohol to make the ladies more susceptible to my whit and charm.
Now the question remains who has it worse guys or ladies, well for the first time ill agree that ladies to some degree have it a lot worse off than guys, because ladies are judged by their own species if they don’t look their optimal best, which in return results in ladies having psychopathic tendencies towards males. Have any of you guys ever realised that when a lady is extremely beautiful they always have problems off some sort, most of the time they are just insane! We all can agree that obsession is to blame for this little incident in nature. They obsess about the craziest thing and want constant reassurance on how they look.
Simple answer to all the problems in humanity today, it’s because females don’t put out enough so we as males have to release our testosterone in fighting, arguing about the universe and waging war.