Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Persuit Of Smiles

So what is being a guy all about? What makes us tick, what makes us have "Male Bravado" or as i like to call it Mojo? We are in existence due to the simple fact of procreation and fornication some would even argue our promiscuous nature is the existence of life itself. I agree with this theory as we as men are not in existence to make a impact on history and if we do make an impact it was to impress a lady.

Arguably men in all there existence is in pursuit of one thing, the vertical smile. We go to bars, we go clubbing we show off our new cars our results from gym our every little act is in pursuit of the smile. And lets not be modest about it gentlemen we love them smiles. Females might impose on this to say that men don’t have it hard, that women have to diet and look like the models in magazines etc. But what about men? We are also held to an impossible standard, we have to have funky hair, a great car, a sense of fashion. We have to make the first move and if we don’t say the right thing or look like Conan the barbarian we are not "your type". I have had the friends speech countless of times that why I always result to my good friend alcohol to make the ladies more susceptible to my whit and charm.

Now the question remains who has it worse guys or ladies, well for the first time ill agree that ladies to some degree have it a lot worse off than guys, because ladies are judged by their own species if they don’t look their optimal best, which in return results in ladies having psychopathic tendencies towards males. Have any of you guys ever realised that when a lady is extremely beautiful they always have problems off some sort, most of the time they are just insane! We all can agree that obsession is to blame for this little incident in nature. They obsess about the craziest thing and want constant reassurance on how they look.

Simple answer to all the problems in humanity today, it’s because females don’t put out enough so we as males have to release our testosterone in fighting, arguing about the universe and waging war.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Funda"MENTAL" Difference

So what is the difference accept for the obvious? Is it that a female can complain so much that even her complaints are complaining? Is it that we as men care more to solve the worlds more urgent problems like world hunger? Well no, we as men have this thing called living in the moment. You see when you live in the moment of things then the rest of the little stuff goes away, and we do think of the future, where our kids will go to school, where are we going to be in 5 years we just choose not to obsess about it.

See I have learnt over my short period here on earth that females are always thinking 10 minutes ahead. You might wonder what I mean well here is a simple example: A man and a woman suddenly have the urge to go have a picnic. What goes through a mans mind is the following: Sandwiches: Check, Car: Check, Beer: Check Blanket: Check, all done let’s go.

What a women experiences is something more like: OMG OMG what about the dogs will they have enough food, what about desert we don’t have anything, OMG what about my underarms, I haven’t shaven in 2 days, what are we going to eat, what colour underwear should I wear, what will we do if there are little ducks and we cant feed them yada yada bla bla bla it goes on forever. See female’s loose focus of the task at hand and then they blame us for it. Simple truth females don’t even understand themselves.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Hit It and Quit It Theorem

Is it a good idea just to hit it and quit it? Well the answer is offcourse YES! Some guys might disagree, but that just means you have too much estragon in your body from all the vitamin injected beef you have been eating, or worse you’re a vegetarian!

Females have doped us with their soppy love stories and happy endings and Twilight (A very bad movie saga that might just be the end of the male population as we know it) to let us believe that by doing what comes natural is a very bad thing. Bullslagen I say! Why should we give way to the girly men when ladies themselves are doing this on a daily basis, and yes the argument will arise that if men act like this, its fine, but if women do we call them "$luts". Well it’s cause you are! Why do we have so many females protesting that they want equal rights and not to be discriminated against when you as females point so easily to us when something goes wrong..

So there are so many feminist groups now that to even look at a lady wrong you are called a sexist, i say NO, enough is enough. Ladies not to be cruel but come on, why make it so difficult for guys to be guys, yes we do stupid things, yes we go out partying to look at other women besides you, yes we have such big ego's but at the end of the day we are men, generalised as hunters for centuries. So give us a break you stereo typing females, it’s not easy to undo hundreds of years of evolutionary progress in a decade or two

Do your self a favor, google the word man and see what you get, are these real men or girls pretending to be men.....

First Days

So, this is the first story out of many that will woo you to believe that Beef is the best thing since bacon.

Well to give you a short intro of who I am, and the many tales that will follow this post, I AM MAN!! I LOVE BOOBS, I LOVE BEER AND I LOVE BEEF. That simple really, we as male population have become soft and scared to express what we are all about.

All you vegetarian's, Vegans and God knows what else be aware that you are turning to the dark side.....
Come on guys really what is more satisfying than to have a beer, eat a piece of prime steak, make rude comments about a girl you know?

Gentlemen this is education TIME!! It’s time to unleash the beast inside you. Who cares if you fart in public? Who cares if you grab a random girl’s behind because it was just to fine to pass up? Who cares when you're drinking so much that you puke your left lung out and start laughing about it? Who cares?? The Answer, NO ONE! So why are we turning into a bunch of Pansies? Well I don’t know, all I know is enough is enough, and I will tell you guys tales of a couple of guys taking on the world and farting in public in the process. Just cause its awesome FUN!